ArGest Backup User Guide

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  4. Terminal Extract Files: T...
  5. Translate on Restore Option: (-T file)

Translate on Restore Option: (-T file)

Translate on restore allows the user to translate, rename or relocate files based on the content of a translation file. The file should be created in a two-column format. The first column should list the files you want to have translated, the second column should list the new directory or name you want the files translated to. This translation applies to directories, names and extensions. By default, symbolic links will not be translated. See the -Q option mentioned earlier in this manual. To help in the understanding of this option we will work with this example. To restore all of the files from /home/bill and place them in /home/paul, you would create a file that had the following text. For this example we will call this file trans.

Contents of the file trans

/home/bill /home/paul

Command line:

bru -xvvv -T/dir/trans /home/bill

No further interaction is then needed. During the restore BRU will translate all files in the /home/bill directory to the new /home/paul directory. You can also have bru handle multiple translation. Simply by adding more lines to the same file you could have bru translate all of the files from many directories to different directories. See example below:

/home/bill /home/paul
/usr/lib /usr2/lib
/home /u2

The translate file can contain as many translation lines as necessary, but each line must consist of a pair of entries. NOTE: When using BRU with the Translate on Restore option and the -PA option, BRU will translate those files inside of the translate file and convert the remainder of the files with the -PA option as described below.