ArGest Backup User Guide

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  5. Licensing ArGest Backup

Licensing ArGest Backup

Demo Mode

By default, ArGest Backup will install and run in a 30-day demo mode. There is no license information required to enable this demo period. During the demo period, all non-expansion features of ArGest Backup are available. Once the 30-day period expires, only the Restore features are available.

Entering Your License

If you have a license for ArGest Backup, you can enter it by starting ArGest Backup, Opening the “Advanced View” and selecting “Enter License” from the Application or Help menu, or by typing Control-Option-Command-L (⌃⌥⌘L). Your ArGest Backup license will consist of 2 strings of characters – the License Data and the License Key. Enter these characters verbatim including any special characters in the fields provided.

License Entry Dialog

Once entered, the license info will be verified and you may save the license.